The meeting of the Board of Directors was held on 10.03.2022 and the following decisions were made.
- Since the feasibility study circular is very slow as before, organize a meeting with relevant experts and management of AMGTGA in the next 7 days.
- The association will send a formal letter to the working group on the issue of expediting the issuance of temporary feasibility study regulations, and submit comments and criticisms.
- On the issue of reference price for developing feasibility studies, prepare a draft of the lower limit of the reference price by type of mine and mineral and present it to the Board of Directors.
- Take relevant measures to improve the website of the association.
- The design companies agreed to provide the information about the consultants, specialists and personnel working in their companies to the association, and to have a database on the association.
Also, within the first half of the year, organize a trip to the mine with the participation of representatives of the design companies (choose from Oyu Tolgoi, Tavantolgoi, and Shin Shin mines).
CrazyBulk SARMs
Complex Diet Drops (BioSource Labs)